I write from Berkeley, CA where I will be leaving from in about 30 minutes. I will be traveling to Los Angeles to visit with my family for 2 weeks.
I guess you could say today marks the end of the Postulancy. The Postulancy is the stage before the novitiate in preparation for the vocation of a De La Salle Christian Brother.
From previous entries, you could tell what the postulancy has been like in the last 2 1/2 months. I really have been at this stage since January.
All I can do is thank God for the gift. The gift of growing closer in my relationship with God, the gift of better understanding of this vocation I believe God is calling me to, and the gift of the people who have been there along the way.
In Tucson, Br. Steven Vasoli was my official postulant director from January - May. Our focus was the life of St. John Baptist De La Salle, which allowed me to gain a better understanding of the life of our Founder. During this time, I also traveled to Berkeley to meet with Br. Kevin and my spiritual director, Sr. Kathleen. It was a balance of my intellectual development, as well as my spiritual development.
I would say that the summer was a more intensive focus on my postulancy. A lot of spiritual development, as well as intellectual development. It provided for me a better understanding of the Catholic Church and its teachings, spirituality, personal prayer development, understanding of consecrated life, and apostolic work.
This isn't your typical postulancy, which is why I am so grateful to Br. Kevin for his flexibility and support throughout the process.
Brothers, friends, and family have been very supportive through it all. Being in contact with my family was helpful, discussing the process with friends was encouraging, and the connection with Brothers was encouraging. There wasn't a week when Br. Nick didn't send me a card, email, or phone call--it was like saying I'm here with you. I am proud to say that Br. Nick will be my sponsor/padrino.
Of course, my San Miguel experience also served as strength along the journey. I know that I had much support in that community: teachers, staff, and students. It's why I'm here because of what God did through them in my vocation story.
I am thankful to God for my growth during the last 8 months. I feel ready to embark on the next journey, the novitiate. I will arrive with readiness and openness to Mont La Salle on August 19th.