Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Hope Again

Being a big Dodger fan, I am reading a lot of the news on the hiring of Joe Torre to manage the Dodgers. Everyone seems so alive with HOPE!

It's the way I feel, and not necessarily for my baseball team, but for my real team these days: the Brothers.

Vocation ministry is probably one of the biggest priorities today in religious orders, reaching out to men and women who might be discerning a religious vocation. In our case, finding out what men out there, young and old, may be called to the vocation of the De La Salle Christian Brothers.

From Thursday, Nov. 1 - Saturday, Nov. 3, the District held its annual High School Senior Vocation Retreat. Of the twelve young men expected, 7 showed up. Marilyn Paquette, coordinator of Lasallian student programs, responded with great faith saying, we have the seven for a reason. The three days certainly showed it was great to have those 7 there.

For me, the seven young men who showed up and the adults that accompanied them represented HOPE. It was great to share our vocation story with them and see them open to God's spirit in their lives as they move towards college.

It left me very hopeful.

I also have been working with Br. George VanGrieken on some projects he's working on to get the name out there. This too makes me hopeful.

Faith is an incredible gift, since it allows us to HOPE.