Sounds a little romanticized. But, if we could keep our eye on the prize, maybe it's all worth it. No on said the path will be smooth. No one said the journies would be serene.
And so it is with the path I am on. The path for me right now is really focused due to the circumstances: novitiate year. In a sense, this year is unlike any other (aren't they all?). A year to stop before fully venturing on into life. It is an opportunity to look at my life, simply put, at myself and either embrace the vocation I feel called to or realize that maybe something else is calling. I am convinced it is the vocation I see now: a Brother. Embracing it does not mean the journey stops. It simply means accepting all that will come with it: the highs and lows, the joys and struggles, and the pulls of life against it.
Yet, embracing it does mean focus, learning, faith, strength and the list goes on. So much of this year is not only the choice to accept the calling, but the "hows" of accepting the calling, the belief that God will provide all necessary, and the journey will allow one to continue on the path.
So besides the philosophical, what practically is going on?
Since our return from Christmas break on January 4th, we've gone full-press. We resumed classes right away. Br. Columban Derby passed away and we celebrated his life. We are on top of our cooking duties. Friday house chores are keeping the place clean. There is plenty of time for formal and informal prayer, reading, studying, and even having some fun. Besides the rain storms the weather has been beautiful (see picture above--taken Jan. 15, 2008).
Today is our spiritual direction day and I'm on in 10 minutes!